
So we’re already 23 days in 2013.

I still haven’t figured out or map out how my 2013 gonna look like…

I even planned my leave and trainings just recently. Whereby others have it done in Dec 2012…

But, one thing for sure, whatever awaits me in 2013 and beyond – “Khair, insyaAllah” 🙂 coz Allah knows best!

Khair, insyaAllah. Khair, insyaAllah – will be my ‘mantra’ always…

P/s: there’s a story behind “Khair, insyaAllah” told by Fira (ouh I miss her a lot!) Moaybe i’ll update it in other post.

— “Khair” means ‘good’, ‘baik’



Cream puffs for Teeny’s Hi Tea potluck
Bread pudding for my Bulatan Gembira (BG) 🙂

There goes my weekend… Another baking weekend. And I’m loving it!

Have a great week ahead everyone 🙂


It’s been 435 days since i last edit my wishlist (or goals in life?)….

I never had one before.. Thanks to a friend to actually remind me to have one.. The rationale is for us to see it and work to achieve those wishes..

Honestly, I don’t buy it in the first place. It’s like for me, it will be just a list.. And I will never achieve those..

Today, I re-open the list… I have achieved a few (maybe 2 or 3)… Alhamdulillah.. And it strikes me that nothing in this world is impossible. It may sound impossible, but, if we tried, and pray and ask from Allah… InsyaAllah we’ll get what’s BEST for us…

Your Lord said: “Pray to Me, and I will accept your prayers. Surely those who wax too proud to worship Me shall enter Hell, utterly abased.” [Surah Ghafir 40:60]


Both my twitter and fb timelines are full with recaps of 2012 and 2013 resolutions…

My recap of 2012 – overall I’d say it’s the year full of tears. Some are happy tears some are not. The low points in 2012 thought me to be more thankful to Allah, and honestly, I’d say these dips in my life are life changing experience and have shaped me to become who am I today. Alhamdulillah. All praises to Allah!

Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported:
“Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The believer does not allow himself to be stung twice from one (and the same) hole. “

May Allah accept all our deeds in 2012. May 2013 brings us closer to Allah..

Hoping for an exciting 2013. And may Allah guide and ease our journey to achieve all the dreams and resolutions…



When talked about ‘rizq’ or rezeki, we (especially me!) tend to look it as in the forms of money or materials. (i.e. big house, big car, promotions…)
Then there are also…

  • Health
  • Children
  • A good day in the office
  • Senses
  •  Happy family
  •  Etc….

Yes, those are rizq from Allah (too!) for us here, in this world..

But then, Allah is the MOST Generous, He also provides us with rizq that benefits us for Akhirah:

  •  Allah allows you wake up at night for Tahajudd
  •  Able to catch congregation prayers in the office surau (especially for the ladies)
  •  Opportunities to gain Islamic Knowledge
  •  Time & Energy for dakwah and charity
  •  Allah tests you only for you to get closer to Him
  •  And please, do add more to it..

So people, when there’s opportunity to increase your Akhirah’s shares, please grab those.. Those are rizq from Allah… He may not increase our wealth in this Dunya, but insyaAllah in Akhirah =)

And for all the rizq for the dunya that he provides us, cherish it, use it wisely..use it to the benefits of Ummah..and for Akhirah…

Lastly…Always..Always BE THANKFUL to ALLAH…

“O Allah! Assist me in remembering You, in thanking You, and in worshiping You in the best of manners”
[Sahih Ahmad 5:245, Sahih abu Dawud 2:86, an-Nasa’i]

p/s: Alhamdulillah… my two Murabbi safely delivered two cute babies last week.. May they become a soleh and solehah caliph of Allah.. Ameen =)

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