[quickie: manInTheMirror]

current addiction…

If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make A Change..


i’m currently in the mood for overture pieces. we used to play exaltation and blue ridge saga, both by james swearingen back in my high school. was listening to those on imeem, and came across this familiar pieces. trying to recall whether it used to be played by sas, ssp, or stf band. then i realized the person who uploaded it on imeem has her status: “ssp band rawks!!”. now it has become my current addiction. and since ssp used to play it, every time i listen to the solo part, it reminds me of the “zaman2 edwin”..ahaha.. (i don’t think any of the band girls read this blog..hehh…)


it’s already march. time flies so fast..
wonder what it would be like to get to celebrate birthday once in 4 years..for those who born on Feb 29th..
must be really special..

plus-minus 2 months before graduation. people have started asking me how does it feel nk graduate. hmm… mixed feelings about that..

looking forward for spring break (although i wish 10th march is at least 1 month away)
i feel that i need a break from school and other activities. need to recharge myself and get ready for the busiest time of the semester – the second half of march…

one of the songs in unit twelve thirteen. but i can’t even play the first line. huhu..

finance 305 exam tomorrow..wish me luck..
manU won its first trophy for the season..another 3 perhaps? heh…


taylor’s coming in august..
and i’m not gonna make it…

matt came last year..and i never knew his music until recently..
and boBurnham came last week and it was a FREE event!..and i missed it..huhu..

spring..kinda boring semester..football’s over.. most of PennState CPA events pn during fall.. well at least yg best2 in fall..and the only event that i’ve been to was RENT.. i was thinking if kakak’s coming next week, we might catch some good show at downtown theatre.. but none interest me…

ouh greg told us a story of one of his students coming back to college to get another degree in Math. previously, he already had BSc. in EE, but he thinks he didn’t have enough math in college. and his plan was to be a BILLIONAIRE once he reach 40. and the plan includes to be the Fellow in SOA, get into princeton’s financial engineering program and to get there he needs 800 perfect math score in GRE. create some type of derivatives or even a new market on wall street…and byk lagi la..and he wanted to do all that starting with a degree in MATH.. giler laa….

life’s pretty much the same..busy as always..ahaks..konon je..


it’s NurZafirahZaidan birthday today! so peyya, happy 21st~


..every day is a start of something beautiful…

taken from Matt Nathanson’s All We Are..

the busiest time of the semester: Feb & March..
can’t wait till April..but then, that also mean fewer time left for me as a pennStater…

maybe i should start bringing my camera everyday to school and snap pics around campus…
although sometimes it doesn’t work perfectly..mcm boleh cmpk dlm sungai..haha..

was really hungry yesterday..had lunch at otto’s..never knew they had pretty decent selection of food for lunch and the price wasn’t that bad too..

ok this just for the sake of updating my blog…
anyone going to wisconsin’s game this Sunday?


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